Avoid Target and its Dangerous Policies this Tax-Free Weekend

For Immediate Release August 10, 2018 Contact: James Wesolek 512-478-2220 or jwesolek@txvalues.org   Avoid Target and its Dangerous Policies this Tax-Free Weekend   AUSTIN – With...

Avoid Target this Tax Free Weekend in Texas

With the Tax Free weekend coming up in Texas, and the rush over back to school supplies in general, Texas Values wants to remind our friends...

Study Confirms: Target’s Bathroom Policy is Dangerous

File this under “Who didn’t see this coming?”  According to a new study by Woman Means Something, reported sexual offenses have spiked since Target announced their...

Why You Should Avoid Target This Back-to-School Shopping Season

As back-to-school shopping season is underway, we continue to urge our supporters to avoid shopping at Target stores and continue warning friends and family about the...