Stock or Mutual Fund Giving
Donating appreciated securities you’ve owned for at least a year, including stock and mutual funds, can be a tax-effective way to make a gift to Texas Values. Giving from your checking account is using after-tax dollars, while giving appreciated securities allows you to give with “whole dollars.” Texas Values, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, can sell and not pay the long-term capital gains tax on your gifted securities. These gifts allow supporters to avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock and receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value when donated.
To complete a donation of stock please contact us by clicking below:
Please email us the details of your intended transaction (name of stock, number of shares, and donor name). Our Donor Services Team will promptly provide you with:
- Federal Tax ID #
- Stock Broker DTC #
- Brokerage Contact Information.
If you have any questions regarding donations or for instructions on how to transfer stock electronically, please contact our team at or 512-478-2220.