Avoid Target and its Dangerous Policies this Tax-Free Weekend
For Immediate Release
August 10, 2018
Contact: James Wesolek 512-478-2220 or
Avoid Target and its Dangerous Policies this Tax-Free Weekend
AUSTIN – With the Tax-Free weekend upon us, and the rush over back to school supplies in general, Texas Values wants to remind Texans about Target retail stores’ dangerous “gender inclusive” bathroom and changing room policy.
For those unaware, this policy allows biological men who self-identify as women to use the women’s facilities. As a recent study by Woman Means Something showed, reported sexual offenses (including assault, exposure, and peeping tom instances) have tripled since Target announced this “gender inclusive” policy.
A staggering 99.1% of the reported offenses happened against women and children. As the study indicates, this confirms “The theory that sex predators may take opportunities afforded by gender-inclusion policies to perpetrate sexual violence against women in public spaces. No other theory seems to account for the significant and precisely-timed increase seen in the Target reports”
Nicole Hudgens, Policy Analyst at Texas Values said “Target is not a ‘safe space’ for women and children. We encourage Texans to protect themselves by taking their business elsewhere during this back to school season.”
About Texas Values
Texas Values is a nonprofit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. More information is available at txvalues.org