Texas Values Religious Liberty
We support and defend the right of people to speak, express, and exercise their faith in public and private without government interference or workplace retribution in the public arena, schools, and churches of Texas.
Texas Values Marriage and the Family
We support and defend the institution of marriage as the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and are committed to fighting for family values in our state by defending traditional marriage, the traditional family structure, and parental rights in Texas.
Texas Values Life
We believe that human life is a precious gift that begins at conception and ends at natural death. Accordingly, we seek to build a culture of life that protects and affirms the sanctity of every human life through efforts that support and defend pro-life causes in Texas.
We uphold our Texas Values by informing, equipping, and activating individuals, families, and churches to help strengthen the culture of family values in Texas. To help defend our family values in Texas, donate today!