Restoring The Wall Series, Part 2. Uniting

RESTORING THE WALL Series: 1. Repenting, 2. Uniting, 3. RestoringNehemiah 2:18-1918 And I told them how the hand of my God had been favorable to me...

God’s Presence at Faith, Family, & Freedom Policy Forum – Highlights!

The Texas Values Policy Forum is the largest event of its kind in Texas, running 6 years in a row. The Texas Values Church Ambassador Network...

KING AND PRIEST ~ Jehoshaphat, King of Judah & Ahab, King of  Israel & the priest, Micaiah

As I think about the Church Ambassador Network of Texas (TXCAN) building relationships with our legislators, this connection with the two kings and priest is especially...


As I think about The Church Ambassador Network of Texas (TXCAN), building relationships with our legislators and other elected officials over time, I am reminded of...

It’s been an Incredibly Fruitful First Half of the Year for the Texas Values Church Ambassador Network of Texas (TXCAN)

Our state-based ministry focuses on getting to know our elected officials as people first, helping them to see themselves as we believe God sees them –...

Texas Values Church Ambassador Network of Texas Update!! Important Staff News & 2023 Texas Legislative Session Report!!

What an incredible first half of the year it’s been for the Texas Values Church Ambassador Network of Texas (TXCAN). Our state-based ministry focuses on getting...