Texas State Board of Education Contact Information for Christmas/Social Studies Battle
Click here to contact the SBOE members on the Social Studies/Christmas issue. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=3803
Phone Number: The phone number to call is 512-463-9734
Emails: Send emails to sboesupport@tea.state.tx.us
Tell them you want to keep Christmas in the Social Studies curriculum, as it has been for at least the last ten years.
Sign the Petition to Keep Christmas in Social Studies curriculum! http://www.christmastextbooks.com/
ACTION STEP #3 (Register to Testify and/or Attend meeting with us next week!):
We need educators (former and current) and parents, and others to come testify with us at the hearing!
Email us at legislative@freemarket.org if you would like to testify and we’ll give you insight on the process and more! This Friday is the day for testimony sign-up.
This Friday from 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., you can call 512-463-9007 or fax: 512-936-4319 to have your name on the testimony list for the Wednesday, January 13th hearing at the TEA building, here in Austin.
You want to testify on Item #6 for next Wednesday. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=7691
If you plan to testify and/or attend, please let us know so we can be of help to you. email us at legislative@freemarket.org
Want to support our efforts on this issue and others? Click here to donate to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
This year, the war on Christmas started early when new proposed social studies statewide curriculum standards, unveiled in August, showed that Diwali would be taught instead of Christmas! . The study of Christmas had been dropped from the current sixth grade social studies when students normally discuss major religious holidays, including Easter, Yom Kippur, and Ramadaan. These proposed changes were made by unelected curriculum review members, not State Board of Education members. Our Director of Legislative Affairs, Jonathan Saenz, discovered this absurd change and brought it to the attention of the State Board of Education members, our supporters and the media. After we went public with this information, their was an immediate public outcry and the State Board of Education chairman stated the Board will likely keep Christmas in social studies. However, there are 15 Board members and they have not yet voted on keeping Christmas in social studies, so there’s still time to make your voice heard and a chance for the other side to keep Christmas out! The Board will vote on this issue in January and we will present testimony!
Click here to see more blog entries on this issue and others! https://txvalues.org/