Court Decision Stopping Dismemberment Abortion Ban ‘Heartbreaking’
November 22, 2017
A decision was reached this afternoon in the case of Whole Women’s Health v. Paxton concerning the dismemberment abortion ban (SB 8), now in state law...
Dismemberment Abortion Trial Begins Today, Exposes Truth About Abortion In Texas
November 2, 2017
AUSTIN – A major court case began Thursday in an Austin federal courtroom concerning the Dismemberment Abortion Ban. As the title suggests, the ban – now...
Saenz to Courts: Respect Will of Texans By Upholding Entire Dismemberment Abortion Ban
September 1, 2017
U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel has postponed the implementation of the key portion of SB 8, the dismemberment abortion ban bill, which is scheduled to...