Six Essential Facts About Senate Bill 6 (Texas Privacy Act)
The Texas Privacy Act (Senate Bill 6) gives Texas Legislators the opportunity to stand up for common-sense values and defend Texas’ culture of business freedom. We offer these six important facts about SB 6 in the interest of thoughtful analysis and a well-rounded public discourse.
- SB 6 protects the privacy and safety of our schoolchildren. Our public school students are at risk due in large part to the Obama Administration’s federal “bathroom directive” that attempts to force all public schools in the nation to adopt policies which allow boys in girls’ bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms. Fort Worth ISD recently implemented such a policy, but thanks to the hard work of concerned parents, community members, and taxpayers the school board rescinded that dangerous measure. The Legislature must act to defend students in communities where parents and concerned taxpayers do not have the resources to effectively fight back.
- SB 6 keeps men out of little girls’ restrooms. The bill requires all government buildings to continue the common-sense practice that men and women should use the bathroom, shower rooms, or locker room that corresponds to the sex listed on their birth certificate. SB 6 will help a growing number of persons who have felt threatened or have been abused in restrooms and changing facilities as a result of dangerous bathroom policies.
- SB 6 protects the freedom of businesses to set their own policies. Private businesses will remain free to set their own rules regarding restrooms, locker rooms, and changing areas. This is in stark contrast to legislation being filed by the other side, which attempts to force businesses to allow men into the women’s restroom. Furthermore, SB 6 prevents local governments and state agencies from telling private businesses who may use which facility, or from withholding contracts from private business vendors which set their own policies.
- Texans overwhelmingly support this common-sense legislation. The people of Texas agree that public restrooms, shower rooms and locker rooms should be restricted by sex. The groundswell of public support we received in Houston and during our successful fight against Fort Worth ISD’s bathroom policy shows that families want the protections SB 6 provides. There have been many polls conducted from a variety of reputable sources which indicate high levels of public support for state action in defending our restrooms from government interference. The only time voters had a say at the ballot box was when they soundly rejected (61-39%) the city of Houston’s attempt to dictate bathroom policy.
- SB 6 is good news for businesses. Texas is the 10th largest economy in the world with a friendly business climate and some helpful laws on the books that defend our values. Houston, Texas’ largest city, is hosting the Super Bowl after voters took a stand against Houston’s ordinance. The Texas Association of Business erroneously claimed the Texas economy would lose $8.5 billion and 185,000 jobs under SB 6, basing their “analysis” on a similar religious freedom law Texas has had for over 16 years. The truth is North Carolina, which passed its landmark privacy legislation, House Bill 2, continues to be the second-best state in the U.S. in which to operate a business. The states with the strongest economies have overwhelmingly not adopted policies which force businesses and public institutions to allow men into the women’s restroom.
- SB 6 empowers individuals. All citizens may file a written complaint with the Attorney General under SB 6 when they feel their privacy and dignity is being violated in a restroom or changing area, and the AG’s office has the power to investigate those complaints and sue entities which violate women’s and children’s rights. There will be no “bathroom police” as some critics have ridiculously claimed. Individuals with particular concerns are afforded numerous accommodations with access to private facilities that also respect the privacy of others.