Court Decision Stopping Dismemberment Abortion Ban ‘Heartbreaking’
A decision was reached this afternoon in the case of Whole Women’s Health v. Paxton concerning the dismemberment abortion ban (SB 8), now in state law and supported by a wide margin in the Texas Legislature. The U.S. District Court ruling blocks Texas from enforcing the law that protects unborn human life from gruesome and inhumane dismemberment abortions. The law, supported by Texas Values during the 85th Texas Legislative Session, prohibits the barbaric practice tearing limbs from babies still in the womb as far along as 22 weeks.
Nicole Hudgens, policy analyst for Texas Values, released the following statement:
“It is heartbreaking that unborn children in Texas can still be torn apart limb by limb. This case is far from over as the federal appeal court often reverses Austin federal judges on these issues. We will continue the fight to do everything we can to stop this barbaric practice.”
Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a notice of appeal seeking 5th Circuit review of the decision, and has stated, “Abortion by dismemberment kills fetuses by tearing them limb from limb while they are still alive, causing the unborn victim to bleed to death. The U.S. Supreme Court holds that states have an interest in protecting and fostering respect for human life, including unborn life.”
Dismemberment Trial Ends; ‘Moment of Death’ In Balance (Nov. 9, 2017):
Dismemberment Abortion Trial Begins Today, Exposes Truth About Abortion In Texas (Nov. 2, 2017):
Doctor: Dismemberment Abortion Is ‘Absolutely Brutal;’ Trial Continues (Nov. 8, 2017):
About Texas Values
Texas Values is a nonprofit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. More information is available at