Ultrasound Bill Hearing to Start Soon-Watch for Live Blogging Throughout
7:00 p.m. — Hearing over. I apologize for the small amount of updates. My live radio interview with Adam McManus went through 40 minutes of the public testimony time in SB 182. Sen. Patrick really put the pro-abortion folks on the spot about admitting that performing an ultrasound is standard medical care before performing an abortion. Rep. Randy Weber, over from the House, had an appearance and testified for SB 182, drawing from a personal experience about abortion, wishing that many years ago the state had such logical informed consent provisions in place, would have prevented him from having to live with years of regret for his decision.
Sen. Patrick also embarrased a pro-abortion testifier who was complaining about the state requiring that women be told of the abortion-breast cancer connection. She didn’t realize that provision is already a part of state law. Ouch, I guess she should have read the bill first before having to go face-to-face with Sen. Patrick.
6:15 — I just completed testifying, after the ACLU and some doctor quoting the law. Too bad he didn’t realize the case he was relying on has been partially overruled. So I performed my duty to let the committee know that, which made my point even stronger about the USSCT currently supporting informed consent that overruled his case.
I am getting ready to testify soon on the ultrasound bill, but also I will be on the Adam McManus radio show at 5 p.m., tallking about the Science & Censorship issue. the State Board of Education takes their final vote on this next Wednesday. With a margin of one vote in January, any calls and help you can give could make the difference.
Did you know, that one of the pioneers of abortion procedure, Bernard Nathanson, is now a huge pro-life advocate? Guess what changed his heart and mind? The ultrasound machine.