Texas Speaker Endorsement: Mike Huckabee Chooses Ken Paxton
Click here for full details. http://www.huckpac.com/?Fuseaction=Blogs.View&Blog_id=3310
Speaker Joe Straus Details: Selected By 65 Democrats & Only 11 Republicans:
Strong Planned Parenthood/NARAL Support:
- 2007-NARAL give him a 100% approval rating. http://www.prochoicetexas.org/instate/2007legislativeguide_rep07-09.shtml
- 2008-PP gave him $1000. (have the PDF if you want it)
- 2009-PP “Thanked” Straus in their newsletter. http://blue-dot-blues.blogspot.com/2010/11/planned-parenthood-thanks-speaker.html
Choose Life License Plate Bill Denied:
- Had Bipartisan Support (83 of 150 Members had Signed on to support it). http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB109
Sonogram Bill Denied:
- (SB 182) passed the Senate on May 1st and took almost a month for it to reach the House Calendar. When it did (May 26th), it was too late.
- Had Bipartisan support. http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=SB182
Denial of Voting Rights on State Board of Education:
- Straus is considering changing SBOE to an appointed board, take away elected SBOE. http://startelegram.typepad.com/politex/2009/03/straus-look-at-changing-state-school-board-electionsmaybe-more.html