Texas RPT,SREC Passes Science Resolution: Rejects Censorship, Supports Rigorous Science Strengths and Weaknesses Language
The State Republican Executive Committee, which has 62 elected members and acts as the governing board for the Republican Party of Texas has passed the following resolution which supports the 20 year standard of teaching the “strengths and weaknesses” of scientific theories.
There were three Republican State Board of Education members, Pat Hardy, Bob Craig, and Tincy Miller, who voted, in January, to strip out the “strengths and weaknesses” language at the urging of extreme liberal groups like Texas Freedom Network, a group founded by Cecile Richards, who is now the head of Planned Parenthood and is the former Chief of Staff for Nancy Pelosi.
If you are a scientist, a science teacher, science professor or school adminstrator or board member and you support the “strengths and weaknesses” langauge, we need to hear from you so we can help you testify before the State Board of Education at their final hearing and vote on this issue on March 25th. Contact us at 512-478-2220 or legislative@freemarket.org