Supreme Court Rules Against City of Houston On Same-Sex Case

In a court victory for Texas Values and Houston taxpayers, the state supreme court ruled unanimously this morning that Houston taxpayers (Jack Pidgeon and Larry Hicks)...

Taxpayers to Court: Uphold Rule of Law on Marriage

In the only case of its kind in the nation, attorneys proved to the Texas Supreme Court this morning that city taxpayers are not legally required...

We need your immediate prayers and financial support for our Texas Supreme Court Case

Tomorrow morning, March 1st, the Texas Values legal team will be arguing our monumental same-sex benefits case, Pidgeon v. Turner, before the Texas Supreme Court. Our lead...

Bathroom Policy Ruling: Dripping Springs ISD Must Turn Over Documents

Attorney General Sides with Parents in Dripping Springs Attorney General Ken Paxton released an opinion (OR2017-01919) late Friday stating that the Dripping Springs ISD must comply...

Texas Values applauds Texas Supreme Court in taking up Same-Sex Benefits Case

Austin, TX – The Texas Supreme Court agreed this morning to grant full review for a case from a lower appellate court on the issue of taxpayer...

Final day to stand, Make your Year-End donation

Tomorrow is the New Year! You only have a few hours remaining to make your tax-deductible, year-end gift to Texas Values. Our $215,000 Year-End Goal is...