#Stand4Life Rally with Gov. Huckabee on Monday

Stand4life Rally with huckabee (FB share)

The time is here for Texans to take a stand for life! Please join us for a pro-life rally on Monday July 8, at 7 p.m. on the south steps of the Texas State Capitol. We are asking every Texan supportive of life to come to Austin to stand in unison in protection for the unborn and women. Bring a bus, fill vans, bring your church – bring everyone willing to take a stand for life. Please make plans to attend and wear blue in support!

It is critically important that pro-life Texans have a large presence at the Capitol next week. It is expected that the Pro-Life Omnibus Bill, HB 2, could be heard on the House floor as early as Tuesday. It also is anticipated that the Senate version of the bill, SB 1, will have a committee hearing as early as Monday morning. This life-saving bill will protect the unborn after 20 weeks and protect women who choose abortion by placing reasonable regulations on clinics in Texas.

#Stand4Life Rally

Date: Monday July 8, 2013

Location: South Steps of Texas State Capitol Building

Time: 7 p.m.

Speakers: Gov. Mike Huckabee, The Duggars family, First Baptist Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress, CWA President Penny Nance, March for Life President Jeanne Monahan, and our leading pro-life state elected officials and leaders.

RSVP on the Event Facebook Page and invite your friends.

Please join us as we continue to stand for those that cannot stand for themselves!


Update on Pro-Life Omnibus Bill: HB 2 Passes House Committee

Just after midnight last night the Pro-Life Omnibus Bill, HB 2, passed the House State Affairs Committee on a vote of 8-3. Over 3,500 people registered a position on the bill, with 2,181 signing in to support the bill. We thank the thousands of pro-life Texans who came to the capitol yesterday and packed the committee hearing and several overflow rooms. It was truly an inspiring show of support for life. We also thank the many women who shared powerful testimonies with the committee about how they had been harmed by abortion.

It is expected that HB 2 could be heard on the House floor as early as next Tuesday, July 9.  It is also anticipated that the Senate version of the bill, SB 1, will have a committee hearing as early as Monday morning, July 8.  Please continue to contact your State Representative and Senator on this issue.

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