Social Studies Revisions: Religious Heritage, Independence Day Out?
Non-elected member of writing teams are considering changes to Social Studies curriculim which is up for review this year and next year, before the State Board of Education.
Proposed changes to particular sections include:
*Removing Independence Day & Veterans Day, in the section on holidays, customs, and celebrations.
* Removing the current requirement to “describe how religion contributed to the growth of representative government in the American colonies.” (in the history of the revolution section).
* Removes Abraham Lincoln from suggested reading for children’s biography.
Wow, does this sound like revisionist history and a direct assault religion? The religious discrimination and target on Texas values continues. These are not changes being proposed by SBOE members. These proposed changes are being made by non-elected persons. Thank God the SBOE has the authority to accept or reject “writing team” proposed changes. Just as 13 of the 15 SBOE members did with the Science issue.
Also, thank God that this information became available before these writing teams got further down the road and unloaded these bombshells later on when it would be harder to revise these proposed changes.
I am glad we have people in our state that believe in being good “watchdogs” and not letting this information by hidden from the public.
Click here to see the full excellent analysis by Brooke Terry of TPPF.
This is just the beginning of the Social Studies review, but more is sure to come and we’ll be at the SBOE meetings, observing and keeping you informed.