“Merry Christmas Bill” Filed With Texas Values Support
Yesterday, State Representative Dwayne Bohac (R-Houston) pre-filed legislation to protect the freedom of Texas Independent School Districts to acknowledge and educate students on the historic and cultural roots of traditional winter celebrations and holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah.
The “Merry Christmas Bill” affords students, parents and educators the right to celebrate on school property with displays associated with those holidays, including Menorahs, Christmas trees and Nativity scenes. The bill also clarifies the right of school districts and their staff to use traditional winter greetings such as “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Hanukkah” or “Happy Holidays” on school grounds, without a threat of punishment or censorship.
Despite increasing attacks and threats from atheist groups on Christmas, Supreme Court precedent has made it clear that these expressions and displays are clearly permissible. Texas Values will be supporting this common sense protection of our most basic freedom in the coming 2013 legislative session.
Read the “Merry Christmas Bill” (HB 308) here.
Read Rep. Bohac’s press release here.