Gambling Expansion Opportunity Today, In Texas House?

12:37 p.m.  Currently, 27 amendments have been considered.   Rep. Hartnett passes amendment allowing Tx. Racing Commission to revoke a license of a racetrack that has not held a race in a three year period.

Today, the Texas House will consider HB 2271, which generally is a bill about “sunset review” for the Texas Racing Commission.  There is talk that those looking to expand gambling in Texas will try to amend this bill with language to actually expand gambling in Texas.  We don’t know if that is true, but there are 19 pre-filed amendments for this bill today.  We have not been able to actually see the amendments at this point, and at least some of the amendments are likely designed to prevent gambling expansion, as theyhave been filed by known opponents of gambling expansion (Rep. Charlie Howard).

Below is a portion of the brief description of HB 2271:

“In 1986, the Legislature passed the Texas Racing Act, allowing pari-mutuel wagering on horse and greyhound races and creating the Texas Racing Commission to oversee the racing industry. The Commission’s authority spans from licensing racetracks and their employees, to overseeing live racing events, and monitoring and certifying wagering transactions. The Racing Commission is subject to the Sunset Act and will be abolished on September 1, 2011, unless continued by the Legislature. As a result of its review of the Racing Commission, the Sunset Advisory Commission recommended continuation of the agency for six years and several statutory modifications to provide the agency with stronger regulatory tools to oversee the declining racing industry.” (Source:  Texas Legislature Online).

Call your elected official today and remind he/she that you oppose any expansion of gambling in Texas.

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