Carroll ISD Delays LGBT Adoption Plan, Will Review

Austin, Texas – Carroll Independent School District (Carroll ISD) met this evening and heard 3 hours of testimony from over 100 people on the Cultural Competence Action Plan”. This long, 34-page document includes massive details on how the school plans to increase the presence of LGBTQ groups, curriculum, and special protections over the course of 5 years. After the Board was unable to secure the votes needed to implement this new LGBT plan, they instead voted 5-2 to simply “receive” the plan and to take it under further study by board workshops and to hear more feedback from the community before a vote on full adoption.

Jonathan Covey, Director of Policy for Texas Values said “It’s notable the board was so confused they changed course and refused to adopt this plan. It would have been better if they directly voted it down. We will continue to fight for parents and students in Carroll ISD who oppose this forced radical LGBTQ agenda because this issue is not over. ”


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