ALERT: Tell Governor Abbott to Include Opt-In for Sex Ed on Next Special Session Call!

Our team worked hard this session to support Texas students and parents. We testified and fought to support legislation making Opt-In for sex education in public schools permanent. However, the legislation that would have accomplished this, SB 163 by Senator Donna Campbell, did not pass the Texas House.
That’s why we joined forces with many other organizations and hand-delivered a letter to Governor Abbott’s office, calling on him to include making Opt-In permanent, as well as religious freedom issues, on the call of any future special sessions!
Other organizations include:
– Family Policy Alliance
– Texas Eagle Forum
– Parents United for Freedom
– Concerned Parents of Texas
– Families Engaged for Effective Education
…and many more!
Read our coalition letter here.
Last session the Texas legislature successfully passed a law that would require the school to get permission from the parent before teaching a child sex education. This law was implemented across the state, but it had one problem – it had an expiration date. It will expire soon and we will be back to the old system that fails to empower parental decision-making regarding a child’s sex education.
We need Governor Abbott to include Opt-in system for sex education on any future special sessions.
Please call (number below) or email Governor Greg Abbott’s office and let him know you want him to include Opt-In for sex education in the scope of any future special sessions.
Governor Greg Abbott Office Main Switchboard: 512.463.2000
Let’s make a difference while there’s still time!