Abortion-favoring Doctors’ Activist Calculus on Texas Pro-life Laws is Wrong!

Recently, the abortion favoring media attempted to taint Texas pro-life laws by maligning them with violent crimes committed towards women. The medical organization JAMA Internal Medicine released a poorly synthesized research article that claimed rape-related pregnancies increased dramatically within the first 16 months after Roe v. Wade was overturned resulting in 64,665 pregnancies resulting from rape. The “doctors” then calculated that 26,313 rape related pregnancies happened in Texas because Texas began protecting life at conception after the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe in the summer of 2022. Texas media outlets, like the Houston Chronicle, rushed to release stories citing this erroneous and manipulative claim. Abortion crusader and Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris even specifically slandered Texas pro-life laws after the release of this flawed study https://hoodline.com/2024/01/vp-kamala-harris-condemns-texas-abortion-ban-amid-reports-of-26-000-rape-related-pregnancies/ .

Many questions had to be asked when this claim was reported. “How did the researchers come up with this number?” “Why did the researchers only focus on crime statistics in states with pro-life laws?” “Shouldn’t the focus be on stopping violent crimes against women if these numbers are true?” The math is not math-ing!

You can find our Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz’s statement on this below:

Time revealed that the JAMA research was improperly calculated and manipulating statistics for a political argument. First, the estimated number of 64,665 rape related pregnancies is derived from a Center for Disease Control (CDC) statistic from 2016-2017 data! The 2016-2017 number of rapes that the CDC purported to be 1.4 million strongly contradicts and is 4X the number provided by the Department of Justice, the agency that is the actual expert on crime. The CDC data is over 10X higher than data that the FBI (another federal agency that is an expert on crime) has collected on rapes reported to law enforcement.

The inflated, activist calculus equation continues with false percentage estimations of rapes resulting in conception. As a reminder, the pro-abortion research institution founded by Planned Parenthood called the Guttmacher Institute has consistently reported that only 1 percent of their abortion clients identity themselves as being victims of a rape. To understand more of the bad math, you can read pro-life scholar, Dr. Michael New’s article here. It should come as no surprise that the researchers of the JAMA article have ties to Planned Parenthood.

At the end of the day, all babies’ lives must be protected. We must protect women from horrific crime but emotionally charged false information should NEVER be used to murder the pre- born. National speaker and pro-life champion Ryan Bomberger talks about being conceived in rape, but being thankful for his mother choosing life for him! Reports and news articles like the one by JAMA are telling people like him that they should not exist. You can learn more about Ryan by visiting https://radiancefoundation.org/ . Texas pro-life laws such as the Texas Heartbeat Law and the Human Life Protection Act are SAVING lives! To learn more visit LoveThemBothTexas.com.

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