4 Things Every Texas Parent Needs to Know About Sex-Education
From Austin ISD to the Texas State Board of Education, Leftists across Texas are promoting radical sex-education curriculum in schools that seek to indoctrinate children with a pro-LGBT and pro-abortion agenda. It’s important for Texans to remember that children belong first to their parents and families, not to their government. The primary responsibility and authority over a child’s education are their parents, and this is reinforced in state law.
It is also important that you know your rights as a parent when it comes to sex education being taught in public schools. Here are 4 important facts that you need to know:
- Parents must be notified that a school will be teaching sex education and parents have the right to not have the school teach their child about sex. Before each school year, school districts are required by law to provide a written notice to parents regarding the school district’s decision to teach sex education. The notice must include a summary of the basic content and statement of the parent’s right to review the curriculum and remove their child from any part of the district’s human sexuality instruction, commonly known as “Opt-Out”. The law states that if the child’s parent decides to “opt-out” of sex ed, the child cannot be subjected to any disciplinary action, academic penalty, or any other sanction imposed by the district or the school. The letter must also tell parents about opportunities to be involved in the development of the curriculum. (TEC 28.004 (i)). Additionally, the Catholic Diocese of Austin is encouraging “parents and guardians of students in the Austin Independent School District to exercise their right to opt-out of the district’s new Human Sexuality Responsibility program.” More information, with instructions on how to opt out, can be found on the Diocese’s website here.
- State law does not require nor mandate that Texas schools teach sex education. According to the Texas Education Code, the only requirements for Health Education by law are an “emphasis on physical health including the importance of proper nutrition and exercise” and “mental health, including substance abuse, skills to manage emotions, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and responsible decision making” (TEC 28.002(B)).
- If a Texas school decides to teach sex education, teachers must present “abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age.” (TEC 28.004 (e)). Additionally, teachers must devote more time to abstinence from sexual activity than to any other behavior and emphasize that abstinence is the only method 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy, STDs, HIV, and emotional trauma associated with adolescent sexual activity.
- Schools are required by law to make “all curriculum materials used in the district’s human sexuality instruction available for reasonable public inspection” (TEC 28.004 (j)). You may recall how “unreasonable” it was for parents to review the materials in Austin ISD, where parents had to fight over one copy of the materials that they could only view on one day. Also, a note must be sent to parents at the beginning of the school year explaining to parents their right to review all of the materials being used in human sexuality instruction.
In summary, school districts, like Austin ISD, are not in charge of teaching your children about human sexuality, you are. Moreover, the curriculum adopted by Austin ISD is an example of curriculum that does not follow the requirements for human sexuality instruction in the Texas Education Code. We encourage all Texas parents to review all materials being used for human sexuality instruction in your children’s schools. You must also be aware that you have the right to refuse or “Opt-Out” of any human sexuality instruction that you do not want for your child.
For parents in Austin ISD, we are a part of the Stand Up For Children – ATX Coalition. The coalition is leading a grassroots movement in Austin to encourage parents to opt-out their children from the radical sex education and to participate in a sex-ed sit out on May 19, 2020. Please visit the Stand Up For Children – ATX website to stay updated.
To opt your child out of Austin ISD’s sex-ed, visit this page, and scroll down to the middle where you can select the appropriate grade for your child or children.