VICTORY! Texas Stops Biden’s War on Women

Fort Worth, Texas — June 11, 2024: Today, a federal district court in Fort Worth ruled in favor of the State of Texas’ lawsuit to stop the Biden Administration’s attempt to rewrite Title IX. This dangerous rewrite would have forced public schools and universities to adopt radical gender ideology and would have allowed men in women’s athletics, locker rooms, and bathrooms. Today’s decision implements a state-wide injunction against the Biden Administration’s attempts to promote a similar interpretation of Title IX against the State of Texas.
Mary Elizabeth Castle, Director of Government Relations for Texas Values stated:
“Today, Texas sent a clear message to the Biden administration: you don’t mess with Texas women and girls! The Department of Education must wave their white flag in their war on women and stop robbing girls of their athletic opportunities, scholarships, and right to privacy.“
The Court stated clearly that the federal Department of Education “lacks the authority to “’rewrite clear statutory terms to suit its own sense of how the statute should operate..”’ To allow a faulty interpretation to stand, the court opined, would be to “usurp a major question from Congress.”
Texas Values has worked tirelessly in the Texas Legislature and the judicial system to protect fairness in women’s sports, as well as the privacy in public school locker rooms and bathrooms since 2013. To learn more, visit
Members of Texas Values law and policy team are available for comment. Email Ashley at or call/text 737-314-2450 to schedule an interview.
About Texas Values
Texas Values is the largest statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. More information is available at