We Must Never Forget
Remembering the 13th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks Today is the 13th anniversary of September 11, 2001 and the attacks on our country that left nearly 3,000 dead. Take time today to reflect on that tragic day and to pray. Reflect on the men and women who lost their lives and many others who gave their lives, in the act of rescuing others. We pray for the families of those that lost loved ones in this brutal attack, for the brave first responders, and we pray for our troops and their families as they continue to fight to defend our God-given freedoms. In Texas, we are committed to ensuring that our students never forget the atrocities committed on 9/11 and the American heroes that responded. Our social study standards adopted by the Texas State Board of Education have rightfully added coverage of September 11, 2001 and people like Todd Beamer, one of the heroes of Flight 93 who said “Let’s Roll!”, to the history that is taught to the millions of Texas public school children. May we always remember, and always remind our young people, that freedom is never free. |
Register for Texas Values ‘What is Marriage?’ Event Texas Values, Center for the Preservation of American Ideals, and CWA of Texas are hosting Heritage Foundation’s Ryan T. Anderson in Dallas on October 16 for an educational event entitled “What is Marriage?”. Ryan T. Anderson is one of the nation’s foremost marriage advocates and is co-author, with Princeton’s Robert P. George and Sherif Girgis, of the acclaimed book “What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense.” With attacks on marriage growing daily and the federal judiciary engaged in a massive state-by-state effort to redefine marriage, it is a critical time to redouble our efforts to boldly stand for marriage in our schools, our churches, and throughout the public square. Please join us for this free event to learn how to talk with your family, friends, and church about the importance of preserving marriage as one man and one woman and protecting religious liberty. Find out more and get your free ticket(s) here. |
Distortion Campaign Targets History Books A liberal, anti-Christian group is attempting to stir up media controversy (again) at the State Board of Education over the adoption of History textbooks based on the strong social studies standards adopted by the SBOE in bipartisan fashion over four years ago. Their latest distortion campaign consists of a self-funded report that criticizes textbooks for teaching the “religious influences of the American founding” and for “scant coverage” of the homosexual agenda. As Jonathan Saenz told the Austin American Statesman, “This liberal report targets religious freedom and appears to have a goal of erasing Christianity from history teaching in public schools.” Read more. |
Pray for Friday Hearing in HB 2 Case Last week an Austin federal court judge struck down portions of the Pro-Life Omnibus Law, HB 2, as unconstitutional. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has quickly sought an appeal at the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to protect women with the common sense safety measures included in HB 2 and a hearing is scheduled for this Friday at the Fifth Circuit on the case. This attack comes on the heels of the Fifth Circuit already upholding two provisions of HB 2 earlier this year after the same federal judge had struck them down. Please join us in prayer for Friday’s hearing and for HB 2 to ultimately be upheld for the protection of women and babies in Texas. |
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