Houston Approves LGBT Ordinance, Internships Available

Houston City Council Approves LGBT Ordinance
Wednesday, the Houston City Council and lesbian Mayor Annise Parker, by a vote of 11-6, approved the controversial LGBT ordinance that has dogged the Council for weeks. The Council was forced to delay action on the issue due to a flood of opposition amongst a diverse group of citizens and local leaders and fear over the impact of enforcement on public safety and the local economy. During public testimony before the final vote, leading local African American pastors walked out of the council chambers after homosexual advocates were given priority placement for testimony at the beginning of the meeting, while the Mayor and some council members voted to keep the pastors further down on the list.

Mayor Parker has conceded that the ordinance would still apply to men who seek to use women’s bathrooms. The City attorney has also admitted that the ordinance can be used to prosecute photographers and private business owners who choose not to participate in same sex ceremonies, when doing such causes them to violate their conscience and/or religious beliefs. With this vote, the Houston City Council has said that homosexual conduct trumps religious liberty and free speech. Read more.

20th Abortion Mill Closes in Texas
More great news for the pro-life movement in Texas! The number of abortion mills that have closed since the passage of the historic Pro-Life Omnibus Law in 2013 is at 20. Northpark Medical Group in Dallas has reportedly decided to close because it did not meet the basic health standards. The pro-life law increased common sense safety standards and required abortionists to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. The law also prohibits abortions after 20 weeks, when preborn babies begin to feel pain.

Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz spoke with Citizenlink about the closures: “These abortion clinics are choosing to shut down themselves because they’re refusing to follow common sense laws that protect women and show respect toward innocent human life. If it’s going to cost them more money or they’re going to have to do it in a safer way, they decide not to do it at all. It really is not about what’s best for women, it’s what’s best for their business… It’s great that Texas leaders have said that this issue is so important, not only the innocent human being in the womb, but women deserve the highest standard of medical care and that’s what these laws represent.” Read more.

Join Texas Values at RPT Convention

Texas Values will have a booth at next week’s Republican Party of Texas State Convention. The convention is June 5-7 at the Fort Worth Convention Center. If you are attending the convention, please make plans to stop by our booth. We also need volunteers to help spread our message of faith, family, and freedom to one of the largest political conventions in the county. If you are able, please sign up to volunteer some time at our booth at the convention by sending an email to info@txvalues.org.

Internships Available for Texas Values in Austin
Do you share our passion for securing religious liberty, protecting marriage and family, and defending the unborn? The Texas Values team is seeking motivated individuals to intern and volunteer in our Austin office for our growing efforts. Interns must have a passion to promote biblical values and have a desire to learn more about public policy and the political process in Texas. Find out more.


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