Texas Values Submits Amicus Brief Backing Governor and Supporting Life at 5th Circuit
Texas Values submitted an amicus brief to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on the matter of Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit against the Governor and Attorney General for halting abortions by executive order in order to preserve personal protective equipment for batting the COVID-19 pandemic.
As you may recall, Federal District Judge Lee Yeakel granted Planned Parenthood and other abortion activists who joined the suit a temporary restraining order against Governor Abbott that would have allowed abortions to continue. However, Attorney General Paxton submitted a request to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals which resulted in the 5th Circuit issuing a stay on Judge Yeakel’s decision.
As a result, the matter is at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals for a final decision on whether abortions should be stopped in order to save lives during the pandemic. Texas Values Attorney Jonathan Saenz and former Texas Solicitor General Jonathan Mitchell submitted an amicus brief in support of the Governor’s executive order. Many family policy councils signed on in support including: Indiana Family Institute, Family Heritage Alliance Action (South Dakota), Minnesota Family Council, Wisconsin Family Action, Alaska Family Action, California Family Council, Ohio Citizens for Community Values, Nebraska Family Alliance, Family Policy Institute of Washington, The Family Foundation (Kentucky), and Louisiana Family Forum. In addition to family policy councils, the medical organization American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists also signed on to the amicus brief.
You can view the brief here.