Texas Social Studies Updated Draft Posted
“American Exceptionalism” added, to be studied.
Hillary Clinton, Ann Richards, Barbara Jordan
Thomas Jefferson, in 3 different sections, at least.
Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Neil Armstrong, Louis Pasteur (voted back into standards, previously removed by unelected teacher groups)
Landmark Civil Rights cases for study: Brown v. Bd of Education, Edgewood I.S.D. v. Kirby, Sweat v. Painter, Hernandez v. Texas.
Milton Friedman, famed economist, added
Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, including Vernon J. Baker, Alvin York, and Roy Benavidez.
Important Tejano, Texian and other leaders who participated in the Texas Revolution
All 189 persons who died at the Alamo
Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Thurgood Marshall (twice), Martin Luther King, Jr., Garrett Morgan (African American Inventor), W.E. B. Dubois (African American writer, editor, Civil Rights leaders, for African American to graduate from Harvard), Irma Rangel (Hispanic Texas State Legislator), Sojourner Truth (African American abolitionist and womens’ rights leader), Oprah Winfrey, Harriet Tubman (African American abolitionist and humanitarian), Wallace Amos (African American businessman), Roy Benavidez (Hispanic Medal of Honor Recipient from Texas),Phillis Wheatley (African American Poet), Cleto Rodriguez, Scott Joplin(African American composer and pianist), Ellen Ochoa (female Hispanic Astronaut), Johnny David Olivas (Hispanic Astronaut from Texas), Raul Gonzalez (first Hispanic on Texas Supreme Court), Henry B. Gonzalez, Hector P. Garcia, Jose Antonio Navarro, Juan Seguin, Carmen Loma Garza (artist), Lorenzo De Zavala, Vernon J. Baker (African American Medal of Honor recipient), Lydia Mendoza (Hispanic/Tejano guitarist/singer), George Washington Carver (African-American botanist, inventor); (all of these named were approved).
And many more.
Explanation regarding the contributions of the Founding Fathers;
Phrase: “Holding public officials to their word”.
Phrase: “Explain major political ideas in history including the laws of nature and nature’s God, inalienable rights, divine right of Kings, social contract theory, and the rights of resistance to illegitimate government.”