Texas Social Studies, Round Two: Hearing Next Week!

Will Christmas stay or go? Will Columbus be buried in a lone corner of the curriculum? Will our state and national religious heritage be changed?  And much more!

Just a few questions that could receive more clear answers next week at the State Board of Education hearing on Social Studies, next Wednesday.

We need educators (former and current) and parents, and others to come testify with us at the hearing!

This Friday (today) from 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., you can call  512-463-9007 or fax: 512-936-4319 to have your name on the testimony list for the Wednesday hearing at the TEA building, here in Austin.

Tell the phone operator you want to testify on item #10-Social Studies TEKS.

If you plan to testify and/or attend, please let us know so we can be of help to you.  email us at legislative@freemarket.org

If you cannot come to testify, please call your State Board of Education member and let them know your concern for the future of Social Studies curriculum in Texas.  Click here for contact information. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=3803

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