Texans for a Conservative Budget Day, Press Conference at 11 am today
Update: Liberty Institute was proud to stand today with The Texas Public Policy Foundation, Americans for Prosperity-Texas, Americans for Tax Reform, Empower Texans, Heartland Institute, the National Federation for Independent Business-Texas, and members from Tea Parties from around the state in support of a conservative budget for the state of Texas.
Photos from the Press Conference:
Today, Liberty Institute along with other conservative organizations, including The Texas Public Policy Foundation, Americans for Prosperity-Texas, Americans for Tax Reform, Empower Texans, and the National Federation for Independent Business-Texas, are hosting a joint press conference at 11 a.m. on the North Steps of the Capitol to encourage our legislators to cut non-essential programs, not raise taxes or fees, and not go back into the rainy day fund.
If you cannot attend, today is the day to contact your Texas representatives with the message: cut non-essential programs, don’t raise taxes or fees, and don’t go back into the Rainy Day fund. Click here to find your elected officials contact information, or you can download our Texas Legislative Guide with all of Texas’ elected officials contact information at http://legislativeguide.libertyinstitute.org/
Check back later today for pictures from the event.