Hear From the Summer 2023 Texas Values Interns

If you desire to be actively engaged in making an actual impact in fighting for Christian values to remain Texas’ values, then intern for Texas Values. No other organization in the state of Texas is more effective in advocating for faith, family, and freedom than Texas Values. Whether it’s lobbying legislatures on socially conservative legislation, suing cities persecuting Christians on their religious beliefs, or whatever it may be, rest assured knowing Texas Values will rise to the challenge. In Texas, Texas Values is the vigilant watchman on the wall ensuring that Christian values remain Texas’ values. ~ Greg McCarthy

I couldn’t speak more highly of the Texas Values team and the opportunities they create for young conservatives. If you are passionate about making a difference but don’t quite know where to start, Texas Values is a great place to launch your career in the conservative movement.
As an intern, you will be treated as a team member. You will be expected to work on meaningful projects, establish yourself as a young professional and learn to think and speak on your feet. Every day comes with new opportunities to learn, develop connections, and serve the people of Texas through advocacy.
As a young conservative, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with an entire team of experienced professionals. I learned quickly that as an intern with Texas Values, I wouldn’t be sitting at a desk, bored and stapling papers. Instead, I attended committee hearings, watched house proceedings, testified in State Affairs, spent late nights at the capitol working hard on bills, and even shook the hand of Governor Greg Abbott.
At Texas Values, the work is not only engaging, but it’s meaningful. Every day brings new challenges and learning opportunities to the table. Some are nerve-wracking, others are exhilarating, but if you can keep an open mind and do your best, each opportunity will benefit you in the long run. ~ Megan Benton