State Orders Cease & Desist Against Illegal Planned Parenthood Facilities in Texas
Click here for letter from State Department of Health dshs-cease-desist-letter
Free Market Foundation
Texas Stops Illegal Abortions at Unlicensed Planned Parenthood Facilities
Free Market Praises Leadership of State Representatives
AUSTIN, Texas – In a press conference today at 2 p.m. in the Speaker’s Press Room, State Representatives will release a Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) letter indicating that some unlicensed Planned Parenthood abortion services facilities were illegally performing abortions, and have been ordered to stop performing abortionprocedures that require state licensure. Other Planned Parenthood facilities are also under investigation by the State.
“We applaud the leadership of state officials for uncovering the unlawful practices of Planned Parenthood,” said Jonathan Saenz, director of legislative affairs at Free Market Foundation. “We refuse to sit back and allow Planned Parenthood to put the lives of women at risk, for the organization’s own benefit.”
A letter from the legislators prompted the DSHS investigation, which uncovered four unlicensed Planned Parenthood facilities in the San Antonio area, and is expanding its investigation into other Planned Parenthood facilities. Planned Parenthood operates the largest chain of abortion facilities in Texas and receives more than $10 million a year from Texas taxpayers through the state’s family planning program.
The State Representatives who released the DSHS letter include Rep. Phil King, Rep. Wayne Christian, Rep. Leo Berman, Rep. Tan Parker, Rep. Betty Brown, Rep. John Davis, Rep. Jodie Laubenberg, Rep. Ken Paxton, Rep. Jim Jackson, Rep. Ralph Sheffield, and Rep. Todd Hunter.
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