Science & Censorship Hearing Continues
6:25- San Antonio Science Teacher, Pierre Velasquez, who has taught science for 31 years, and has upper level degrees, is now testifying. His school is in SBOE member Rick Agosto’s district. Teacher in various AP science courses. “imagine social studies classes, not allowed to talk about communism, etc. Talking about need to test, experiment, reviews laws of the past, etc.. He supports the strengths and weaknesses language. I hope Rick Agosto got hear his testimony.
“I had a student just this week ask” a critical question about information he had seen outside the classroom. The proposed change will stifle discussion in the classroom.
6:25-Man testifying about “stasis”, and roaches being stasis for 4.5 billion years.
6:10 p.m.-Sarah Hicks is now explaining the intimidation she dealt with and how she handled it and was still able to get her Ph.D. Professor said “the worst thing that could happen is for a grad student to graduate and not “believe” in Evolution.”