RPT Chairman, Munisteri, Blasts League of Women Voters “Nonpartisan” Debate on SBOE
From the RPT website:
“Republican Party of Texas Chairman Steve Munisteri urged his party’s nominees for State Board of Education in Districts 5 and 10 to not accept invitations to debate from the Austin Chapter of the League of Women Voters (LWV), citing their organization’s leadership ties to the Democratic Party, to Democrat candidates in these races, and for financially supporting the Democratic Party and its candidates.”
“In Austin, the League of Women Voters should really be called the ‘League of Women Democrats,’” Munisteri said. “Their elected officers and debate committee members have voted in multiple Democrat primaries and have donated thousands of dollars to Democratic Party committees and their candidates, including to the two Democrat candidates in these contests.”
“How can the Austin Chapter of the LWV claim to be non-partisan when there are no Republicans among their elected officers or on their debate committee?” Munisteri stated, “There are over 475,000 women living in Travis County and yet they cannot find a single Republican woman to be involved with their organization or with this process?”
“I’ve been involved in Texas politics for over 30 years and I’ve seen the political process stacked at times, but this is ridiculous. What makes this so disingenuous is that it’s being done under the banner of a supposedly non-partisan group. But there’s nothing non-partisan about the people organizing this proposed debate,” he said.
See the full release here. http://www.texasgop.org/news.asp?artid=217