Religious Liberty Platform Resolution

Attention all grassroots supporters of Religious Liberty.  Party Platforms are going to be written as the parties prepare for the State (and National) conventions this year.  Many Senate District/County conventions are going on this Saturday, April, 21st.  Look online or call your county headquarters for meeting details.  This means you have a great opportunity to take a stand for religious liberty (and other important issues) by submitting a resolution to your party’s platform at your local convention.

A resolution is a statement of principle that is voted on at a political convention.

To be eligible to participate, you must sign an affidavit stating your Party affiliation for the May 29 Primary. By claiming party affiliation at the Senate District/County convention you will not be able to vote in another party’s Primary or Run-off election.You may present as many resolutions as you like, but remember to make 12 copies to give to the Platform Committee members.

Below is a suggested resolution on Religious Liberty:

WHEREAS, religious liberty is our most fundamental constitutional freedom; and

WHEREAS, the First Amendment of the Constitution protects the free exercise of religion from government interference; and

WHEREAS, government at all levels is growing increasingly hostile to the free exercise of religion, and is trampling on our religious liberty in the courts, legislature, and through executive fiat; and

WHEREAS, a state religious liberty constitutional amendment provides the best guarantee of lasting protection for our citizens’ religious liberties from an activist court, overreaching legislature, or government bureaucracy; and

WHEREAS, thirty (30) states have state constitutional protection prohibiting a government agency from burdening a person’s free exercise of religion; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that we call upon the Texas Legislature to safeguard our constitutional right of religious liberty by passing a state constitutional amendment that prohibits any government agency from burdening a person’s free exercise of religion.

Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the ___________ Senatorial/County Convention Resolutions Committee from Precinct # ___ of the __________County  ______________ Party, with the recommendation that it be passed and sent to the State Convention Platform Committee of the ___________Party of Texas.

Download a PDF version of the proposed resolution.


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