Our God-Given Right to Life

baby-feet-parents-pro-life (620-260)Protecting Life 41 Years After Roe v. Wade

January 22 is a solemn day in our nation’s history. Today marks the 41st anniversary of the catastrophic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that forced legalized abortion throughout the United States. Since that fateful decision, nearly 57 million unborn children have lost their lives throughout our nation. Several million of the babies lost are from right here in Texas. Over the last 41 years, an entire generation of Americans have been denied their most basic freedom – the God-given right to life.

But, we still have hope. Many of you have stood for life for decades and continue to be faithful to this important cause. And now, the growth we see in the pro-life movement is being fueled by a new generation that was born after Roe v. Wade in 1973. With much perseverance and reliance on God, we are winning the cultural battle to value all human life. Here in Texas, we have truly seen great fruit from the tireless work of pro-lifers around our state. We praise God for the strong pro-life protections that Texas enacted in recent years, including last year’s passage of the historic Pro-Life Omnibus Bill (HB 2) that is already leading to abortion mills being shut down and innocent human lives being saved. And together with the passage of the Sonogram Bill and major defunding of Planned Parenthood in 2011, Texas is seeing major decreases in the number of abortions.

Texas’ progress is inspiring the nation, something our friends at Focus on the Family recently highlighted in a front-page story in their Citizen Magazine. The article, which features Texas Values, commends Texas pro-lifers for having “passed one of the nation’s strongest laws protecting women and children.”

Texas Values is excited to announce that we are now the state family policy council associated with CitizenLink, a public-policy partner of Focus on the Family.

Jonathan December Citizenlink Cover (450 w cropped)

But despite these great improvements, there is still much work to be done to ensure that every unborn baby in Texas and around the country is protected. Join with us in continuing to build a culture of life by praying for the end of abortion and also saying an extra prayer for our several hundred thousand friends marching for life today in our nation’s capital. Please also join us on Saturday, January 25 for the Texas Rally for Life at the Texas Capitol in Austin.

Click here for more details on the rally.

If you would like a free copy of the December Citizen Magazine with a feature story on Texas Values’ work on the pro-life issue, please email us at info@txvalues.org. Include “Pro-Life Magazine” as the subject line and please include your name, mailing address, and phone number in the email.

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