Texas County Votes on Potential Planned Parenthood Funding: Free Market Foundation Speaks Out on Funding for Sex Ed
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – Today, Free Market Foundation testified before the Nueces County Commissioner’s Court (Corpus Christi, Texas) meeting regarding its fiscal budget which is to include funding of teen pregnancy prevention sought by Planned Parenthood. We were joined by a large group of local concerned citizens, many of whom were successful in getting the Corpus Christi City Council to deny funding the Planned Parenthood at the city level. Even as numerous Planned Parenthood facilities across Texas are shutting their doors, the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Corpus Christi, Texas, hopes it will receive funding from Nueces County for controversial sex education funding.
“As government entities at all levels are looking to make responsible decisions, government resources should not be spent on organizations that stand to profit from failed sex education policies,” said Jonathan Saenz, legislative director at Free Market Foundation, who testified in the public hearing. “We should not ‘bail out’ Planned Parenthood with public funds.”
Today’s meeting in the Nueces County Commissioner’s Court is a public hearing on the county’s fiscal budget, which includes allowances for reduction of teen pregnancy. The result of this meeting will finalize the budget and determine the amount of money distributed to groups such as Planned Parenthood, which has already requested funding, that provide sex education.
In Texas, teen pregnancies, births, and abortions have continued to decrease since 1991. In 1995, Texas began requiring that abstinence is taught as the preferred method of pregnancy prevention, an approach that Planned Parenthood opposes.
The Nueces County Hospital District is due to review the grant application of Planned Parenthood for government funds for their explicit form of sex education in September.
According to Jonny Hipp, the CEO of the Nueces County Hospital District, there will likely be a public hearing in September on the grant application review for Planned Parenthood. http://www.nchdcc.org/
You’ll recall, we helped stop Planned Parenthood’s legisltaive attack on abstinence-based education in Texas during the recent Texas Legislative session. With your help we were able to defeat HB 741 by Rep. Castro (D-San Antonio), and Rep. Villareal, (D-San Antonio).
Click here to read more about the dangerous legislation Planned Parenthood supported. https://txvalues.org/2009/04/03/attack-on-abstinence-bill-update-planned-parenthood-buddies-lead-the-charge/
Free Market Foundation stands for the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, religious liberties, and limited government, and frequently testifies in the Texas Legislature and works in the courts on these issues.
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