McLeroy Confirmation Blocked by 11 Democrats
4:00 p.m. 11-19, McLeroy is NOT confirmed. Needed 2/3rds. 11 Democrats voted against him, every one except Sen Lucio, who did not vote. Their 11 votes were enough to BLOCK his confirmation. All 19 Republicans voted FOR McLeroy. Interesting-almost every Senators that spoke against him, started out by saying, this isn’t about religion or faith….. Not very convincing.
3:45 p.m. Sen. Patrick speaking in favor of McLeroy. “if this (decision) isn’t about the Bible, what is it about?”
Sen. Estes to speak in support of McLeroy- Your decision should not be even just one percent about religion. Sen Deuell is speaking in favor of McLeroy.
3:30-Sen. Ogden now speaking in favor of McLeroy. There is an innuendo in the air, a slur. To say that he is not qualified because the N.Y. Times criticizes him, is ridiculous. Wow! -Sen. Ogden-He has a science degree, dcotor of science in Dentistry. “__he is a Scientist.”
Sen. Ogden-Whether intentional or not, there will be the preception that we applied a “religious test” in this decision. “The message will be that if you believe the Bible is infallible….you need not apply.” (if McLeroy is not confirmed). Precisely.
2:55 p.m. Sen. Van de Putte moves to sever, bascially oppose/block the nomination of McLeroy. Sen. Jackson now is speaking in defense of McLeroy. Sen. Shapleigh, Sen. Watson, Sen. Ellis speak against McLeroy.
Sen. Jackson reads a long list of accomplishments of McLeroy
Sen. Van de Putte: “My opposition is not because he’s not a good man. He’s a decent man…he’s a good man. Man of internal courage. My opposition….has to do with his management style.” “This is about a leadership position on the state board.” Sen. Van de Putte references articles written by the N.Y. Times criticizing McLeroy as a reason to oppose him.
2:52 p.m.-Sen. Shapleigh jumps the gun on this issue. Sen. Jackson made a motion to return certain nominees that did not meet certain criteria. Sen. Shapliegh was off the floor and came in quickly to say he wanted to talk about McLeroy, but it wasn’t time.
We will be here at the Capitol following this issue and others today. Watch for updates.
Please Support Don McLeroy for SBOE Chairman!
Don McLeroy Is A True American Serviceman & Leader.
- Don Served his country: U.S. Army, 1st Lt. 1969-71
- Don Serves his community:
Trustee, Bryan Independent School District, 1997-1998
Boy Scouts of America-Eagle Scout District Award of Merit
Youth Soccer Coach, 11 years
Don McLeroy Leadership & Education Serve Him Well on the SBOE.
B.S. Electrical Engineering
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1969
- Freshman Student Senator, Senior Student Officer
- Corp of Cadets
Doctor of Dental Surgery
University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, 1978
Don McLeroy Distinguished Leadership & Service to SBOE=Excellent Selection for Chairman.
? Don serves his State:
SBOE Member, 10 years
SBOE Chair, July 2007-Present
SBOE Vice-Chair, 2005-2006
SBOE Planning Committee, 4 years
SBOE Permanent School Fund Committee, 6 years
Don McLeroy Should be Judged by his Performance of his Duties as SBOE Chairman.
Don McLeroy Should not be Subjected to a Religious Test.
* Some have criticized Don for statements confirming his Christian religious beliefs.
* Some have any attacked him for statements about his faith he made at church meeting.
* Don has a First Amendment right to his Christian religious beliefs.
* Don should not be barred from serving as SBOE chairman because of his belief in the Bible.
Any “Controversy” was the Result of The Issues and the Role as the Chairman of the SBOE.
Any controversy that existed would have occurred regardless of who was acting as SBOE chair.
What Others Are Saying about Don:
“I especially agree with their [The Eagle] saying you are the hardest-working member of the Board. You always have been—and will be again.” Chase Untermeyer, Former Chair, State Board of Education and former, U. S. Ambassador to Qatar