Is Your Library Inviting Drag Queens to Talk to Children?

Grad-Queen-Story-Hour (620-240)

Texas Values has been tracking a disturbing trend across the country which recently occurred in Houston as well. Known as “Drag Queen Story Hour,” public libraries are allowing men dressed as women, or drag queens, to read stories to young children.

Our National partner, the Family Policy Alliance, had this to say “If you heard about Drag Queen Story Hour and thought it was limited to libraries in New York City and Los Angeles, it’s time to think again.  A review by Family Policy Alliance has discovered that such events have already happened or are planned in at least 40 states.”

Many of the images coming from these events are disturbing. Men proudly display facial and body hair while clothed in outlandish dresses, wigs, fake breasts, high heeled shoes, and full make up or costumes designed to mock religious leaders. Many go by names that include sexual innuendos or make fun of religion.

Perhaps most disturbing of all, this type of event is being promoted by the largest association of libraries in the world!  The American Library Association (ALA) is a nonprofit organization which promotes libraries around the world. This group is actively encouraging its members to host Drag Queen Story Hours at their locations.

We encourage all our followers to use this link to contact the ALA and your elected officials to tell them you do not support this type of event.  Stay tuned to Texas Values for more information about these events and what else you can do

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