Is Transgender Protection Bill in Texas Headed for A Vote?
Is a Transgender Protection Bill Headed for A Vote?
Next Wednesday, the House Public Education Committee will hear HB 224, a Texas bill filed by Rep. Mark Strama, (D-Austin), which purports to address bullying and harassment in public schools. But Rep. Strama has indicated he might go farther than that by allowing for a special category for protection for “gender identity and expression”(transgender) persons that are “actual or percieved” in public schools. Rep. Strama tried to pass a bill with this language last session, so this is no surprise. Are you confused? So too will be school adminstrators and judges if this law passes and later is challenged in court. The phrase “gender identity and expression” will find its way into Texas law for the first time that we know of, if this language is approved.
See the homosexual community’s analysis of HB 224, here.