UPDATE 8:35 P.M. SHOCKING!!-Senate Committee just voted in favor of HB 824, 5-3. Vote Yes: Sen. Carona, Sen. Ellis, Sen. Van de Putte, Sen. Duncan, Sen. Lucio. Voting NO: Sen. Jackson, Sen. Harris, Sen. Deuell. Sen. Fraser was not present.
Senator Carona voted “AGAINST” this bill at first, and then immediately swtiched his vote to “FOR” this bill, allowing it to get voted out of committee. The bill was dead until he swtiched his vote. Wow!
It is now headed to the Senate Floor for a vote by the Full Senate. CLICK HERE TO FIND YOUR STATE SENATOR AND CALL HE OR SHE TODAY!!
We testified earlier along side Texas Eagle Forum and Texans for Family Values, against HB 824.
HB 824, by Rep. Scott Hochberg (D-Houston), expands hate crimes to now be used to prosecute kids. One of the protection class of people under this bill is those who defines themselves by “sexual preference.” It also allows a judge to order these kids go to re-education program so the child can show he or she has “acceptance” of others, basically forcing them to accept the homosexual lifestyle and not oppose such. The judge can also order the child to perform a project that serves the interest of the offended group of persons.
The hearing is before Senate State Affairs-click here to find out who serves on this committee. Please call them and tell them you OPPOSE HB 824.
We will be testifying against this bill. This type of thought police law is further evidence of a desire to control people’s minds and not allow them to have opposing views, particularly on the issue of homosexuality. This law allows Texas to target them when they are young so they can re-program their mind on these kind of issues. We have also seen hate crimes law be used as a weapon against free speech, like in the case of the Philadelphia 11.