GOP Leaders Ask Joe Straus to Step Down/Resign as Speaker

Johnson County GOP votes for resolution to have  Joe Straus resign as Speaker due to ethics allegations related to his position.

Local Texas House member, Rep. Rob Orr was in attendance at this meeting.  Rep. Rob Orr supports Joe Straus for Speaker but didn’t seem to think the will of his constituents on this issue meant a whole lot.

According to the FWST Rep. Orr said: “I believe if we come back with a balanced budget with no new taxes and pass a voter ID (bill), there is a lot more to this picture than just one vote for the speaker,” said Orr.
My question is, what if you (the Legislature) get those items accomplished.  Will Straus supports blame it on the Senate?  Will they believe they still deserve re-election?  That’s a risk most true conservatives in Texas are not willing to take.  Maybe Straus and Straus supporters think you should bet on him, many others do not.
TAKE ACTION & sign the letter asking for a true conseravtive Speaker of the House for Texas at
Want details about the Joe Straus record? Click here information with citations. THE CASE AGAINST JOE STRAUS FOR TEXAS SPEAKER
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