Fort Worth ISD Allows Boys in Girls Bathrooms, Public Meeting Tomorrow
Updated 5-10: On April 26, the Superintendent of the Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) unilaterally issued new so-called ‘transgender’ student guidelines at the Board of Trustees’ meeting dictating serious and dangerous new policies, effective immediately that actually affect all students. These new guidelines would threaten the safety and privacy of children in all Fort Worth schools by opening little girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms to boys. Further, the guidelines were not debated, discussed or voted on at any Board meetings. Parents and taxpayers have been shut out of the process!
The guidelines (many of which may actually violate Texas state law) say employees of the district will be punished if they do not go along with all of the new guidelines that clearly violate not only common sense, but First Amendment speech and religious liberty rights. They can no longer use the words “boy” and “girl” and must abandon gender references, information about the students gender expression on campus will be withheld from parents, no medical or mental health diagnosis is required in order to have a student claim an identity and therefore, have full rights to the opposite sex locker rooms, bathrooms, etc. Click here for analysis and to read the actual guidelines.
Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz released the following statement:
“How dare the Fort Worth ISD government officials think they could sneak a dangerous bathroom and locker room policy by the parents and taxpayers without a full and thorough public hearing. And how dare bureaucrats take the drastic steps to hide critical information from parents that relates to their own children. Does the government think they own our children because they attend a public school? I thought that Texas voters in Houston made it clear that these dangerous bathroom laws that allow boys in girl’s restrooms are bad policy and bad for families and children. Government officials tried to shut out concerned citizens in Houston and it backfired, badly. The parents of Fort Worth are just beginning their outrage and this issue has reached such a level that I believe state officials will have to step in quickly.”
And Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has shown bold leadership on this issue by calling for the immediate resignation of Fort Worth ISD Superintendent Dr. Kent Paredes Scribner. Lt. Governor Patrick has also indicated the he plans to attend tonight’s school board meeting in Fort Worth.
The FWISD guidelines are mandatory and retroactive to the 2015-2016 school year unless revised or revoked. These dangerous guidelines must be revoked with public and parental outcry as well as local and statewide involvement. For more details, please read this full e-alert from Concerned Women for America.
Please TAKE ACTION immediately:
- If you live in the Fort Worth area, please attend the Fort Worth ISD School Board meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. to be held in the Board of Education complex at 2903, Shotts Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (map here).We need to pack this meeting! Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has indicated that he plans to attend the meeting. There will also be a press conference held outside the school board meeting at 5 p.m.
Texas Values Policy Analyst, Nicole Hudgens, will be attending the meeting and testifying along with other Texas Values team members. You can contact her at
- Email each member of the Fort Worth ISD Board and respectfully express your concerns. Even if you don’t live in Fort Worth school district, this sets a dangerous precedent and they need to hear from all Texans.Jacinto “Cinto” Ramos, Jr –
Tobi Jackson –
Christene Chadwick Moss –
Theophlous Aron Sims, Sr. –
Judy Needham –
Ann Sutherland –
Norman Robbins –
Matthew Avila –
Ashley Paz – - Please pass along this information to your family and friends in Fort Worth.