FMF Receives “FAMILY CHAMPION” Award from National Organization

Free Market Foundation recently received an award from Focus on the Family for our legislative work in the State Board of Education (SBOE) debate on science standards and for defeating state hate crimes legislation and shutting down Planned Parenthood’s attempt to take over sex education in Texas.  As you recall, the SBOE, after voting to strike out the requirement that students learn the “strengths and weaknesses” of all scientific theories, voted to preserve students’ right to ask critical questions about scientific theories, including evolution, language which is just as strong if not stronger.  The opposing side is still, six months later, furious over their monumental loss and victory of the truth.

Please click here to see this excellent video of our President, Kelly Shackelford, accepting the award in D.C., from Focus on the Family.

Kelly Shackelford and Tom Minnery

Kelly Shackelford and Tom Minnery

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