“Divorce takes health toll that remarriage can’t heal”

Click here to see comments on results from a recent study on marriage and the effects of divorce, as published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/07/28/divorce.marriage.health/index.html

This article discusses the devastating physical and medical negative effects of divorce and how remarriage cannot repair such trauma.

During this past Texas Legislative session, we worked on legislation that would have required a spouse to first take a marriage education course, before being permitted to file for a no-fault divorce, which can be granted against the wishes of the other spouse.

Click for details about this legislation, which passed the House Committee, but did not recieve a vote on the House floor.  https://txvalues.org/2009/04/22/chisum-marriage-strengthening-bill-passes-out-of-house-committee/

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