Desperate Washington Liberals Attack Texas Education, Desperate Again
Recently, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), along with four liberal Texas Congressmen, proposed a desperate resolution, attacking the strong social studies standards passed by the Texas State Board of Education in May. Just another example of intrusion by Washington on Texas’ rights. These lawmakers must oppose teaching about our Founding Fathers, religious heritage & American Exceptionalism. Or maybe they haven’t actually read the standards and they are simply relying on false media reports to form their political opinion. Probably both.
It’s no surprise the resolution is being supported by anti-religious and extreme liberal groups like Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Secular Coalition for America (Atheists Coalition), and the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
It’s just another attempt to mislead the public. The resolution has been sent to the House Committee on Education and Labor. While you’re visiting your elected officials during the Congressional recess, be sure to ask them to oppose H. Res. 1593 and send them to for the real truth about our fine social studies standards.
Click here to see a full list of the left-wing groups attacking Texas’ social studies standards. These standards protected Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, religious Heritage, American Exceptionalism, increased racial and ehtnic diversity amongst the historial figures and required that students talk about the separation of church and state and compare and contrast that with the words of the First Amendment.
Not sure why there is a Jewish group on this list, bashing the Texas social studies standards. I guess they didn’t see how the majority of the Board fought to keep Rosh Hashanah, Albert Einstein, and Jonas Salk in, added Michael Dell, included references to Judeo-Christian heritage, kept many Judaism references-even though some suggested it was less relevant because Jewish population numbers worldwide are quite lower than other world religions-and also added Golda Meir.
Please, my friends, read the contents for yourself at Your credibility is at stake when you continue to criticize decisions you should be praising.