Courtroom Battles: Federal Court Case on Remains of Aborted Children

Baby crosses (620-240)

This week, a federal court is hearing oral arguments in Whole Woman’s Health v. Smith, a lawsuit challenging pro-life measures that recognize the human dignity of aborted children.

Whole Woman’s Health (an abortion provider) is suing the state of Texas over state rules and a state law (SB 8) that ensure children who have been aborted are buried or cremated, rather than barbarically disposed of in a sewer or landfill. Our team testified in favor of these rules and strongly supported the pro-life omnibus bill, SB 8 in the previous legislative session.

Here is an excerpt of our testimony:

 “The rules will ensure that the bodies of aborted babies are treated with the respect they deserve and are no longer callously treated like medical waste and disposed of by ‘grinding and discharging into a sanitary sewer system.’ Requiring the bodies and remains of unborn babies to be disposed by burial or cremation upholds the human dignity these children have as image bearers of God…From the horrific treatment of women by abortionist Kermit Gosnell to the exposing of Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts, it is clear that abortionists are far too willing to put their profits above the health, safety, and respect of human life. For this reason the State of Texas must continue to take active measures, like these rules, to ensure the ‘best interests of the public health of Texas are served.”

We will keep you updated on the progress of this case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Smith. There are four notable court cases challenging Texas’ pro-life policies and we encourage you to read more about them in a recent post by our friends at Texas Right to Life.

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