Christian Baker Jack Phillips In The Crosshairs Again
You would think winning a case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court would be enough, but unfortunately for Christian baker Jack Phillips, it wasn’t. He is under attack again by the State of Colorado for holding to his sincerely held religious beliefs.
This time the government is attacking Jack because he politely refused to design a cake requested by an attorney who said he was celebrating his “gender transition.” Despite the fact the Supreme Court just ruled 7-2 in Jack’s favor (Masterpiece) and condemned Colorado’s attempt to punish Jack for his beliefs in traditional marriage, the Colorado government has doubled down and taken new action to punish Jack for his belief that God created us male and female.
Once again Jack is choosing to stand strong for his faith and is refusing to give in to those that would punish him for believing that gender is a God-given, biological reality, not something we choose based on our feelings. Jack should not have to fear government punishment for what he believes when he opens his cake shop for business each day.
Yet it appears that Colorado won’t stop harassing Jack until he closes down or agrees to violate his faith. Our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom, who won at the Supreme Court, are once again defending Jack and have filed a federal lawsuit against Colorado for its continued religious discrimination.
Government hostility toward people of faith has no place in our society. Here in Texas, many areas of the state have local laws similar to Colorado that threaten people of faith. This is another important reminder why the Texas Legislature must act to protect the religious freedom rights of all Texans.
As we approach elections this fall, and the Legislative Session in January, be sure to ask your state legislators where they stand on this important issue.