Breaking!! Senate Debating Ultrasound Bill Now! Live Blogging
5:30 Vote coming- 20-9, Passes
5:15: Sen. Davis-“The woman has to sign a statement about the most difficult decision in her life.” Why is the decision so difficult, though?
5:10 Sen. Patrick-It will be a great day in Texas if 31 Senators can vote in favor of this bill, and if so, i will not allow any changes in the House.””
5:00 p.m. Sen Watson-are ultrasounds available in all 254 counties? Patrick-No. Patrick-there is no place in Texas where you can get a “free” abortion.
4:55 p.m. Sen Shapleigh speaking, saying Sen. Patrick has made change in bill for benefit of women’s health.
Sen. Deuell speaking-We want informed consent, we don’t really know what goes on in abortion clinics because their records are not open.
Sen. Lucio and Sen Patrick talking about bill, slight change in language.
Sen. Lucio explaining he is pro-life from conception until natural death. His district is pro-family, pro-life, pro-education.
Sen. Patrick and Sen. Van de Putte debating now.