Austin ISD Asks for Feedback on New Superintendent Search
Austin ISD is seeking input from Austin area residents on characteristics for their new Superintendent. As followers of Texas Values know, Austin ISD has not been a beacon of hope for those who believe in biblical family values and those who believe that parents are responsible for the moral upbringing of their children. This survey offers another opportunity for the Austin ISD board to hear our concerns, and hopefully, find a Superintendent more in line with family values and who is not easily influenced by Planned Parenthood and the Pro-LGBT lobby.
The survey is only 4 questions long and Texas Values suggests the following answers. Personal answers are always more powerful, so if you have something different to say, please say it.
- Rate each option with your own opinion
- Explain how you would like to see a Superintendent that doesn’t marginalize people of faith and focuses on education, not indoctrination. We need a Superintendent who listens to the parents and the citizens of Austin and focuses on the dropping enrollment rate and poor campus performance as opposed to controversial pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ideas.
- Check whichever option best describes you
- Reiterate how Austin ISD has been hostile to people of faith and anyone who comes from a traditional family background, how they have ignored comments and feedback from concerned parents and citizens and how you would like to see this change under the leadership of a new Superintendent.
You can find the survey on Austin ISD’s website, here, and is anonymous.