ACTION ITEM: Attack on Abstinence Update: Planned Parenthood Buddies Lead the Charge

Earlier this week, the House Public Education Chairman, Rob Eissler (R-The Woodlands) heard testimony on two bills that attack abstinence-based education in Texas public schools, HB 741, and HB 1567 (see details below). 

Guess who was leading the support of these bills?  Planned Parenthood front group, the Texas Freedom Network.  This group lost the science & censorship battle last week at the SBOE, and now they’re trying to CENSOR students from hearing the truth about abstinence, that it is the only method that works 100% of the time.  This group was started by Cecile Richards, the current head of Planned Parenthood and the former Chief of Staff for Nancy Pelosi.  Richards still sits on the board of TFN.  Thankfully, we were able to rain on their parade as the hearing date was also Catholic Pro-Life, Pro-Family day at the Capitol, whose support allowed us to outnumber the opposition 2-1 in opposing these bills.  Thank you Texas Pro-Life, Pro-Family Catholics!!

These bills could be voted on any day, though.  Call Chairman Eissler and tell him you  OPPOSE HB 741 and HB 1567 and that you do not want Planned Parenthood and TFN controlling Sex Ed in Texas!! Please be respectful when you contact their office.

Chairman Rob Eissler (R-The Woodlands) Capitol Office (512) 463-0797

Other Committee Members:

  Rep. Scott Hochberg  (D-Houston) (512) 463-0592
Rep. Alma Allen (D-Houston) (512) 463-0744
Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock (R-Killeen) (512) 463-0684
Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. (D-Houston) (512) 463-0510
Rep. Joe Farias (D-Houston) (512) 463-0714
Rep. Jim Jackson (R-Carrollton) (512) 463-0468
Rep. Dora Olivo (D-Missouri City) (512) 463-0494
Rep. Diane Patrick (R-Arlington) (512) 463-0624
Rep. Mark Shelton (R-Ft. Worth) (512) 463-0608
Rep. Randy Weber (R-Pearland) (512) 463-0707

We Oppose House Bill 741 & House Bill 1567-Attack on Abstinence
House Bill 741 (Rep. Castro, D-San Antonio)
This bill is a direct attack on abstinence-based sex education. It deletes the following provisions:
[(2)  devote more attention to abstinence from sexual activity than to any other behavior;]
[, and the emotional trauma associated with adolescent sexual activity];
[teach contraception and condom use in terms of human use reality rates instead of theoretical laboratory rates, if instruction on contraception and condoms is included in curriculum content].

House Bill 1567 (Rep. Villareal, D-San Antonio)
This bill is a direct attack on abstinence based sex education.  It deletes the parts of the following provisions(indicated by strikethroughs):
“present abstinence from sexual activity as the healthiest [preferred] choice of behavior [in relationship to all sexual activity] for unmarried persons of school age;”
“(3)  emphasize that abstinence from sexual activity, if used consistently and correctly, is the only certain way to prevent [method that is 100 percent effective in preventing] pregnancy and [,] sexually transmitted diseases.”

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