Are you tired of pornography in schools?

Are you tired of pornography in schools? Then come to the Texas Capitol to testify on Thursday February 27. The Senate Committee on Education K-16 will have a hearing this Thursday on SB 13 authored by Senator Angela Paxton to effectively resolve the issue of porn remaining in our school libraries. If you want to finally see a streamlined process on addressing sexually explicit library books in the school libraries, then come to the Senate Education committee to support SB 13 by Senator Angela Paxton.But that is not all! The Senate Education Committee will also hear SB 371 the “Parental Permission for Human Sexuality Instruction” bill, also known as Sex-ed Opt-in. Changing the law to have the schools ask a student’s parent permission to teach about human sexuality has been a long-fought effort by parents. In 2021, the law changed from Sex Ed Opt-Out to Opt-In, but only temporarily. Currently, schools should still be sending home permission slips before teaching Sex-ed thanks to a policy letter by Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Education Agency. Nevertheless, we need it to become permanent in law that schools leave human sexuality instruction in the hands of the parents!
What: Texas Senate Committee on Education K-16 Hearing When: Thursday, February 27, at 10 a.m.Where: Texas Capitol Room E1. 028 
Please arrive early to register to testify on the kiosk outside the Senate hearing room. Members of the Texas Values policy team will be available to assist you. If you cannot attend the hearing, please email the committee members by sending an email to     

Other great bills that protect parental rights that we think you should testify in favor of include: 

SB 12 by Senator Creighton – Prohibiting instruction on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in the classroom 

SJR 12 by Senator Paxton – proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a parent’s right to direct a child’s education

SB 1565 by Senator Creighton – Addressing the issues parents face with the current process for filing a grievance with a school district, making it easier for parents to receive an answer 

SB 204 by Senator Angela Paxton– Requiring the creation of a handbook on parental rights so that parents can have access to all of the information from the Texas Education Code in accessible form 

SB 400 by Senator Lois Kolkhorst – Requiring parental consent before a school gives a child a psychological or psychiatric examination, test, or treatment

SB 112 by Senator Bob Hall – Giving parents access to all electronic information collected of their child by a school

If you cannot testify for all of the bills, please register your position in favor of the bills. Please email if you have questions. 

Don’t forget to register for Faith and Family Day! Riley Gaines is a confirmed speaker for Faith and Family so get your tickets now!! Register at
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